NADA Acupuncture
Auricular acupuncture using the NADA technique involves gently placing up to five small, sterile needles into specific sites on both ears, the recipient then sits quietly for 30-45 minutes, and bathes in the relaxation of the treatment. This clinically effective, low cost intervention can be paired with mental health counseling and addictions relief in a way to potentiate the therapeutic effects of both treatments.
NADA Acupuncture reduces cravings for substances including alcohol, nicotine and other drugs, while also minimizing withdrawal symptoms. NADA acupuncture has also been shown to calm recipients, improve sleep, relieve stress and emotional trauma, and reduce agitation.
This person-centered protocol can be utilized for anyone, no matter their state of mind or stage of treatment process. Because of the principles of NADA valuing access to care and breaking down barriers, financial ability to pay will never influence whether or not a client can receive Auricular acupuncture while at Candescent Health and Wellness.
Group treatment sessions have shown benefits to many recipients and group treatment rates are available.